Okkur finnst ársskýrslur skemmtilegar (!)

Cool Í faglegt blogg GCI Group Iceland ratar ýmislegt sem gefur innsýn í hugarheim okkar. Og þar sem við hugsum líka á ensku detta hér inn ‘enskar’ hugleiðingar okkar um ársskýrslu ‘mömmu’ okkar, Wpp: 

We at GCI Group Iceland think the WPP report is a gift of ‘numbers with story and soul’, and we did like the ‘quick read’ start before the ‘in depth’ varied read. We liked the fact that it´s users friendly humble look was neither threatening nor impersonal. The report certainly presented us with knowledge and insight into the most valuable thoughts of our WPP leaders – gave us a glimt into the essence of it all, into the brains behind the brilliant WPP ‘world coverage’. We think quality presented this way nurtures inspirational communication between our people in all continents, and within different categories of our businesses.  

We loved the pioneer-spirit running through most of the report´s content. The importance to change challenges into opportunities, and how chaos and ‘surprise’ seem to be a part of our ‘new brave world’. Most industries are changing fast– creating even more opportunities. And in this new ‘communication age’, demand for our professional wisdom increases. Technology moves faster than ever, increasing the need to sharpen our focus and get to know even more about the most hidden treasure: Human nature. A new balance is being created out of all of this, with big contributions from our industry´s vast resources, helping the world to make sense out of all of these unexpected developments. 

The portrets of WPP leaders in the report did give us a closer contact, more intimacy. We now know what the words 'PR chic' mean(!)... And business reflections mixed with hard facts plus info with forecasts for future developments and vision from our WPP world leaders gave us valuable insight into WPP mentality and helped us to see important fractions of our WPP family. We tapped into the deep pool of rich experiences of WPP-people in its 2.000 offices around the world.  

As we thank you for the WPP Annual Report, we at GCI Group Iceland would like to stress how enthusiastic we are to contribute our share in nurturing the WPP culture by any means, in order to increase the interactive dynamics, coherence, mutual inspiration, and learning of our people.  

Best regards from us at GCI Group Iceland.

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GreyTeam Íslandi ehf
GreyTeam Íslandi ehf
TILRAUNABLOGG: Fyrirtækið GreyTeam Íslandi - Icelandic Communications Service, er rekstrarfélag fyrirtækja Grey Global Group - WPP á Íslandi. Félagið þjónar GCI almannatengslum (Grey Communications International Íslandi ehf.), MediaCom Íslandi ehf. (auglýsingabirtingar), erlendum systurfyrir- tækjum og viðskipta- vinum þeirra. Í heild starfa um 94.000 manns hjá samsteypunni á um 2.000 skrifstofum í u.þ.b. 110 löndum. 10 starfsstöðvar eru í Reykjavík.
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